For Colored Folx Who’ve Considered Memoir When the BS Was Too Much Led By Taiia Smart Young

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Thursday, May 10th, 2022 | 7 PM ET - 10 PM ET

Tuition | $50.00

Capacity: 20 Storytellers

Before you jump into the deep end of the writing pool with the “I’m writing a book about my life” announcement, let’s start with an essay. In this workshop, the essay is a mini-memoir, and we’ll explore ONE POWERFUL MEMORY (situation/event/experience) and use sight, smell, sound, touch or taste to attract and keep the reader invested from the first to the final word. And we’ll discover the lesson learned from that experience. The main tool that’ll drive this life story is your voice, specifically the two Ws: worldview and wordplay. Writers will complete two writing prompts chosen from a digital wheel. At the end of the workshop, writers will have a memoir-essay draft.

About the Faculty: Taiia Smart Young (she/her) is an author, editor, and founder of Smart Girl Media. She teaches aspiring authors how to write and self-publish non-fiction books that create influence, impact, and income. Prior to starting Smart Girl Media, Taiia held senior editor positions at Juicy, XXL, Latina, and ESSENCE. Her byline has appeared in EBONY, Black Enterprise, and NV magazines; and,,,, and In 2018, Taiia launched Rock Your College Essay (RYCE). RYCE is an interactive workshop that teaches students how to write engaging personal statements that merge culture, community, and storytelling.

Partial and full scholarships are available. Email scholarship inquiries to Explicitly state the scholarship (partial or full) you’re interested in.

Closed Captioning available. Like all RWW offerings, this space is for Black, Indigenous, Latinx/e, Asian, and other Storytellers of Color only. BIPOC Storytellers are centered here, exclusively.