2025 Winter Writers’ Retreat

The Roots. Wounds. Words. Winter Writers’ Retreat for Storytellers of Color is a sacred space wherein BIPOC stories are celebrated, and BIPOC storytellers immersed in liberation. At the Writers’ Retreat, Storytellers receive literary arts instruction offered by award-winning BIPOC writers in the fields of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, speculative fiction, and young adult fiction.

In January 2025, Roots. Wounds. Words. Fellows will commune online where they will workshop their literary art, perform their work, participate in BIPOC-centered healing and liberation modalities, as well as receive literary arts pedagogy from renowned BIPOC storytellers.

To attend this offering, submit an application through our online system. Prior writing experience is insignificant. Whether you’ve attended a writing workshop before or not holds no weight. All applicants are judged on the merits of their full application, which includes an artistic statement, bio, and writing sample.

Our Writers’ Retreat provides BIPOC storytellers with a transformative opportunity to push your pen, strengthen your craft, access literary art professionals, rest and restore, and build the tribe you need to support your writing goals.

The Roots. Wounds. Words. Writers’ Retreat is for Us.

The 2025 Winter Writers’ Retreat application will close on Sunday, September 8th.


Interested in attending?

Retreat Location: Online / Virtual

Retreat Dates: January 5th - January 11th, 2025

Application Opened: August 12, 2024

Application Closed: September 15, 2024 (the application close date has been extended)