Creating Full, Flawed Characters Led By Bix Gabriel

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Saturdays, April 30th - May 21st, 2022 | 11 AM ET - 2 PM ET

Tuition | $200.00

Capacity: 20 Storytellers

In this 4-week fiction series on "Creating Full, Flawed Characters", Storytellers will learn to craft characters that are complex and not completely defined by their pasts - whether traumas, or victories. This workshop will build week to week, so that by the end of our time together, all storytellers will have a central character (or more than one) around whom the story (or possibly a longer piece) has been developed or is in-progress.

About the Faculty: Bix Gabriel (she/her) is a writer, teacher of creative writing at Bucknell University, editor at The Offing magazine, debut Periplus Fellow, co-founder of TakeTwo Services, occasional Tweeter, and seeker of the perfect jalebi. She has a M.F.A. in fiction from Indiana University-Bloomington, and her writing appears in the anthology A Map is Only One Story, on Longleaf Review, Catapult, Guernica, and Electric Literature, among others. Her debut novel, Archives of Amnesia, was a finalist for the 2021 PEN Bellwether Prize for Socially Engaged Fiction.

Partial and full scholarships are available. Email scholarship inquiries to Explicitly state the scholarship (partial or full) you’re interested in.

Like all RWW offerings, this space is for Black, Indigenous, Latinx/e, Asian, and other Storytellers of Color only. BIPOC Storytellers are centered here, exclusively.