Let Me Help You With that Book Proposal, Child! Led By Tyrese L. Coleman

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THURSDAY, July 21ST, 2022 | 6 PM ET - 9 PM ET

Tuition | $50.00

Capacity: 20 Storytellers

When Tyrese wanted to write and sell her book, she had no idea where to start or even how to write a book proposal. She was just told that she needed one. And her response was, “okay but how?” Fortunately, she was able to access a network of friends and colleagues who guided her in the right direction. For those of you who may not have access to such a network, let Tyrese help you with that book proposal, child! A proposal is a document used by agents and editors to get publishers excited about your work and your potential book. It introduces your ideas and writing and gives those interested in investing in you a taste of what they will see when the book is complete. Based on the strength of your proposal, a publisher will make an offer to purchase the book and, with an advance, you then take the thoughts and ideas you outlined in your proposal to create your masterpiece work of nonfiction. In this 1-day course, Tyrese will help you learn the basics of how to write and organize your proposal. We will discuss: the difference between proposal writing and actual book writing, finding comparable titles, what a proposal looks like and how it can be organized, and what information you should include in your proposal. Tyrese will share some secrets, tidbits, and special little things to help you have a better understanding and a clear outline of the components of a proposal so that you can begin to take the next steps necessary in getting your work out to agents and editors. 

ABOUT THE FACULTY: Tyrese L. Coleman is the author of the story and essay collection, How to Sit, a 2019 Pen Open Book Award finalist published with Mason Jar Press in 2018 and the forthcoming book Spectacle by One World. Writer, wife, mother, attorney, and writing instructor, her essays and stories have appeared in several publications, including Washington Post Magazine, Black Warrior Review, Literary Hub, Parents Magazine, and the Kenyon Review and noted in Best American Essays and the Pushcart Anthology. She is an alumnus of the Writing Program at Johns Hopkins University. Find her at tyresecoleman.com or on twitter @tylachelleco.

Partial and full scholarships are available. Email scholarship inquiries to Info@RootsWoundsWords.org. Explicitly state the scholarship (partial or full) you’re interested in.

Closed Captioning available. Like all RWW offerings, this space is for Black, Indigenous, Latinx/e, Asian, and other Storytellers of Color only. BIPOC Storytellers are centered here, exclusively.