Application Information
Applications opened on August 12, 2024
Applications close on September 15, 2024
Sunday, January 5 - Saturday, January 11, 2025
The Retreat is open to storytellers of color.
Storytellers of all levels are welcome to apply.
Storytellers must be at least 21 years old.
Storytellers currently enrolled in graduate or undergraduate programs are also welcome to apply.
Applicants are required to select a category into which your submission fits. The categories are:
(1) Fiction
(2) Nonfiction
(3) Poetry
(4) Speculative Fiction
(5) Writing Wellness for Us
(6) Young Adult Fiction
Your writing sample must match the category you apply for. For example, if you are applying for the fiction workshop, you must submit a fiction writing sample. You are allowed only one submission per category. You may apply to more than one category. However, each submission is separate. You must complete separate applications and pay the submission fee for each category you submit to.
Every application must be accompanied by $25 non-refundable application fee.
We require a standard format for all fiction, nonfiction, speculative fiction, writing wellness, and young adult fiction submissions. The format is:
The manuscript may not exceed 10 pages.
1-inch page margins.
Double spaced.
Text must be in a 12-point serif font (preferably Times New Roman).
Electronic file names must consist of the writer’s last name followed by the manuscript title. For example, Smith__A Day in the Park. Poets and those with a longer manuscript title can simply use something like Smith__manuscript for RootsWoundsWords
The manuscript must be submitted as a Word document or PDF
The applicant’s name and page number must appear on each sheet of the manuscript; for example, Smith, p.1
If you are submitting prose, you must include a brief note regarding whether the piece stands on its own as a short story or essay, or is an excerpt from a longer project.
Manuscripts excerpted from a longer project should include a one-page synopsis of the larger project placed at the back of the work sample (the synopsis can be single-spaced and does not count toward the 10-page limit).
We require a standard format for all poetry submissions. The format is:
The manuscript may not exceed 10 pages.
May include one or more poems as long as the total number of pages is within the 10-page limit.
Electronic file names must consist of the writer’s last name followed by the manuscript title. For example, Smith__A Day in the Park. Poets and those with a longer manuscript title can simply use something like Smith__manuscript for RootsWoundsWords
The manuscript must be submitted as a Word document or PDF
The applicant’s name and page number must appear on each sheet of the manuscript; for example, Smith, p.1
Each applicant must submit a bio of no more than 250 words.
Each applicant must submit a statement describing their literary art and how it pushes liberation for BIPOC forward. Resources: How to Write a Poetry Cover Letter from The Watering Hole, “Ready, Set, Residency” by Brevity Nonfiction Blog, and Artist Statement Guidelines by Getting Your Sh*t Together Ink.
Each applicant must describe what they intend to gain from and contribute while at the Writers’ Retreat.
RWW will work with our Faculty to notify all accepted Storytellers of their acceptance to the Writers’ Retreat by September 23, 2024.
The Writers' Retreat is virtual. All accepted Fellows are responsible for tuition.
Tuition: $1,500.00
Partial scholarships and payment plans will be available.
All invited Writers-in-Residence (returning Fellows who do not participate in a genre workshop, but who use the week for independent creation/study and to take advantage of all non-workshop Retreat offerings) are also responsible for tuition.
Tuition: $1,000.00
Partial scholarships and payment plans will be available.
Accepted Fellows must tender a $700.00 deposit no later than October 11, 2024. RWW’s receipt of your deposit confirms your attendance.
The Roots. Wounds. Words. Writers’ Retreat is a weeklong intensive that consists of curated workshops with limited participants (no more than twelve per genre cohort), daily craft lectures, author fireside chats, generative exercises, fellow/faculty readings, wellness activities (e.g., yoga, meditation, hiking, bird watching, and stargazing), an opening reception, and a closing ceremony.
Full deposit refunds will be issued for Storytellers who cancel their participation in the Writers' Retreat no later than October 25, 2024.
Refunds will not be issued to Storytellers who seek to cancel participation in the Writers' Retreat after October 25, 2024.
All application materials and work samples are confidential and retained for use of the RWW Writers’ Retreat programming only.
Please also read the Frequently Asked Questions provided on our website.